DeKoolar Blast™ New Industrial Blast Freezer Models for the Nigerian Market
De Koolar Nigeria Limited re-asserted it’s national leadership in manufacturing cold storage machines with the release of Blast Freezers and Fast Chillers to meet increasing demands of its clients and customers, under the new DeKoolar Blast™ Models which enjoy renowned DeKoolar standards.
What is a blast freezer?
Apart from conventional cold storage room you are mostly familiar with, blast freezers operates a process of pushing cold air at high speed across a food product in order to freeze the product as rapidly as possible.
DeKoolar Blast™ Series of Freezer are therefore crafted by its HVAC engineers and food technologist to quickly reduce the temperature of any food products to a freezing point usually between -25 oC to -35 oC to make the food safe for storage and sales distribution. Our blast freezer models are easy to use, affordable, resilient, and operationally efficient.
This major milestone of blast freezers and chillers manufacturing confirms our commitment to innovation, as a company – and resolve to maintain the industry leadership we have gained over the past 20 years of operation. We know the cold storage equipment market in Nigeria more than any other competitors, and we will continue to produce quality machines to keep the trust we have earned from our growing customers.
DeKoolar Blast™ freezers and chillers come in a wide range of models to choose from, you will find the perfect machine to meet the exact needs of your food business requirements. If there’s any bespoke requirements you have, talk to us today!